Friday, April 15, 2011

Ninjask and Shedinja

Well today it looks like its a 2 for 1, because the random number generator brought up Nincada's number. Since I can't decide which one to do, I'll just do both. So first we have Ninjask, a pokemon when its prime was on just about everybody's team, and for good reason. Before the days of stealth rocking being on just about every team, Ninjask was rampant. With the ability speed boost, combo that with swords dance and baton pass, its a dream for anybody looking for a quick set up. Ninjask really was only used for this, nothing more, but since stealth rock became so common, Ninjask has lost its luster.

Move Sets :

Leftovers :

Ability : Speed Boost

Item : Leftovers

Moves :

Swords Dance
Baton Pass

Ev's : 252 Speed/252 Attack/4 Hp
Nature : Jolly/Adamant

Sasher :

Ability : Speed Boost

Item : Focus Sash

Moves :

Swords Dance
Baton Pass

Ev's : 252 Speed/252 Attack/4 Hp
Nature : Jolly/Adamant

Conclusion :

Ninjask is pretty much a one trick pony, if you really wish to use one I suggest proper support. You will definitely need a rapid spinner, and I suggest running a pokemon that will either ingrain to stop phazing with whirlwind/roar, but that won't make much difference if they have haze or clear smog.


Shedinja, a ghost/bug pokemon, one of a kind in more ways than one. With only 1 Hp, you would think Shedinja would be an easy pokemon to take down (with the exception of stealth rock or weather effects) but  with the wonderful ability Wonder Gaurd, Shedinja can be quite the pest. What does Wonder Gaurd do? Well it allows Shedinja to not take damage from all moves that are not super effective (but still takes indirect damage from those types.)

Move Sets :


Item : Focus Sash

Swords Dance
Shadow Sneak/Sucker Punch
Protect/Will-o-wisp/Sucker Punch/Toxic

Ev's : 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 Def
Nature: Adamant

Conclusion :

Shedinja can be a great pokemon to use, and thanks to the addition of pokemon who can start new weathers, you can actually use Shedinja in all tiers. It is risky to use Shedinja, due to stealth rock being common, and the 1 HP will always be a problem. But when you finally get a good set up with Shedinja it does feel great to use.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


It would seem that the random number generator likes defensive pokemon, because yet again we have another monster in defense. None other than Steelix, rivaled only by two, Shuckle and Regirock in defense. So let's see, Steelix, well he can take hits, sorta well I suppose. If stealth rock is your thing, you can always get a free stealth rock up, with one of Steelix's ability sturdy. My personal experience says that Steelix isn't that big of a threat as long as you have a physical wall or a special attacker. With no recovery move aside from rest, you shouldn't have any problems taking one out. Though 5th gen was a little nice to Steelix, it has the dream world ability sheer force, so you can have a bulky attacker.

Move Sets :

Wall set

Ability : Rock Head/Sheer Force/Sturdy

Item : Leftovers

Stealth Rock
Gyro Ball/Rock slide/Stone Edge

Ev's : 252 HP/ 252 Sp Def/4 Def
Nature : Careful


Ability : Sheer Force

Item : Leftovers/Life Orb

Gyro Ball

Ev : 252 HP/252 Sp Def/4 Def
Nature : Sassy

I suggest Sheer force for this set simply because it is an attacking set, but you can also use Rock head, if you intend on doing moves that recoil. Life Orb doesn't take recoil with Sheer force, so if you are comfortable with it go for it.

I don't really have much to say about Steelix, I am not over all impressed by Steelix due to being outclassed in the lower tiers by pokemon like Regirock and Weezing. But if you insist on using one I suggest one of those sets.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tangrowth Review by TGSagitar

Lets see. What can honestly be said about Tangrowth? Its the Evolution that the first gen Tangela had so desperately needed to make itself worthwhile and what an Evolution. Ive used Tangrowth so much in its debut Generation that I dare say its become one of my all time favorite pokemon.

All its stats with the exception of both Speed and S.Def are at a base 100 or above making it a very rounded pokemon, add the fact you can double its speed in the Sun and you have a pokemon with only 1 bad stat.

Tangrowth @Life Orb
+Speed - S.Def
252 Speed, 129 Atk, 129 S.Atk

Earthquake, Solar Beam/Power Whip, Brick Break/Focus Blast, Hidden Power: Ice

A lot of Tangrowth's moves can be shifted around for however you want it to play on your team. Ive always used a Mix-Attacker Set simply because it wont be walled as easily.

Life Orb gives you freedom to shift between moves while the EVs have been added to Speed and then the remaining have been divided between its attacking stats. If you want a pure attack or pure sp.atk then just either shift out one stat for HP for a more bulky Tangrowth or add all to the stat you with for it to have. I have multiple Tangrowths and I find that this is one of the better (if not best) sets for it to use.


Oh Shuckle, I remember first battling one, it was the longest stall I ever had at the time. Shuckle just refuses to die to anything that is not super effective, and rightfully so. With the highest defense and special defense in the game, combo that with the ability to raise his special defense in sand storm due to rock typing, it is one tough pokemon to take out. There are two down sides to Shuckle though, really low HP stat, and lack of a one turn recovery, so it has to rely on rest. None the less it fits well with any sandstorm team, or just as a wall in general.

Classic Shuckle

Ability : Sturdy/Gluttony

Moves :

Knock off

Ev's : 252 HP/ 148 Def / 104 Sp Def
Nature : Impish

You can use stealth rock in this set if you wish, but I personally suggest using a different pokemon to set up for that.

Acupressure :

Rock slide

Same Ev's and Nature as above

Also usable on this set is toxic, knock off, stone edge, bug bite. Remember this set is a bit of a gimmick, so it can and will let you down at times.


Due to his weakness to stealth rock, low hp, and only recovery being rest, you really need to bring multiple supporters for your Shuckle. Suggested team mates need to have rapid spin, aromatherapy, heal bell, and the ability to take on its biggest threats steel, rock, and water types. With all of that in mind, Shuckle can be one of the biggest attributes to any team, just need to play a little smart.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Venomoth is quite an interesting pokemon, it is a bit on the weak side, but none the less usable. With a max of 306 in both Speed and Sp att, it can be a little limited, so you will most likely be depending on a choice item. Venomoth is mostly used in NU tier, but is still usable for UU, and can still get the job done. I do not suggest running one in OU, there are far superior pokemon than Venomoth. With all the negatives aside, let's talk about my personal experience. I used a choice specs Venomoth, allowing it to pack quite a punch especially with Tinted Lens. With a some what decent move pool, it can hit quite a few types. It is often out sped though, because let's face it, 305 isn't exactly the best. I have seen quite a few people use Venomoth as a toxic spiker, with sleep powder, but its too risky in my opinion.

Suggested sets:


Ability : Tinted Lens

Item : Choice Scarf/Choice Specs


Sludge Bomb
Bug Buzz
Energy Ball

Ev's : Speed 252/Sp Att 252
Nature: Timid/Modest

Quiver Dance

Ability Tinted Lens/Wonder Skin

Item : Scope Lense/Leftovers

 Moves :

Sleep Powder
Quiver Dance
Bug Buzz/Psychic
Sludge Bomb/Energy Ball

Ev's Speed 252/Sp Att 252

Nature : Timid


Venomoth is a great pokemon, when used correctly and can set up quite a sweep. Though a weakness to stealth rock and a few common types can hamper you.

How am I going to do this?

Alright daily I will do at least one Pokemon review from my personal experience. I have been playing competitive Pokemon for over 3 years now, and I have been playing Pokemon since I was 6 (born 1990). Now how will I select a Pokemon? Very good question, I am going to use a random number generator to select a Pokemon for me! But today I will not be doing such a thing, I will be selecting one of my personal favorites.


 One of the best walls in the game, Hippowdon with amazing HP, Def, and decent Sp Def is a massive pain to take out! Able to wall some of the games biggest threats, the ability to stealth rock, roar, and slack off, and an amazing move pool why not use one? Not to mention Hippowdon's ability sand stream causes a sandstorm to last the entire match, breaking sashes of non-rock, steel, and ground type pokemon, along side with the potential to stealth rock to break the sashes of those pokemon who resist sand!

Standard set up

Stealth Rock
Slack Off
Ice fang or Roar

 Ev's - 252 Hp/152 Def/104 Sp Def
Nature - Impish

My personal favorite set up

Ice Fang
Thunder Fang
Slack off

Ev's 252 Hp/152 Def/104 Sp Def
Nature - Impish

Now why is this set my favorite? To put it simply the ev's from standard Hippowdon are perfect to me, he can sponge Sp Att's but ONLY WHEN HE HAS TO! He is not a Sp def wall, just a sponge, please remember this! Now with that said, I am not too fond of stealth rock, but doesn't mean I won't use it. I prefer to have Thunder fang for the Gyarados that like to ALWAYS switch in, and get a "free turn set up." Ice fang obviously for pesky dragon types (that are VERY common.)

 This concludes my first review, hope you enjoyed and there will be many more to come! Until next time!