Saturday, May 21, 2011


Rampardos, a pure glass cannon to put it simply. Rampardos can work really well if set up correctly, but more likely than not you won't be able to do so. With the new ability Sheer force, you can do even more damage with the massive attack that Rampardos has, and can even use life orb with no repercussions (hp loss).

Move Sets:

Rock Polish:

Ability: Sheer Force/Mold Breaker

Item: Focus Sash/Life Orb


Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Zen Headbutt/ Crunch

Ev's: 252 Att/252 Speed
Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Choice Scarf:

Ability: Sheer Force/Mold Breaker

Item: Choice scarf


Rock Slide/Stone Edge (Rock Slide bonus with Sheer force)
Zen Headbutt/Superpower 
Crunch/Thunder Punch/Fire Punch

Ev's: 252 Att/252 Speed
Nature: Jolly/Adamant

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